Household Registration Costs

Household Registration Costs and Options


The rate of assessment for Household Employers was set at R1.04 per R100.00 of earnings paid.


By way of an example, suppose a Domestic worker in Your employ works 2 days per week at R300.00 per day. You also have a Gardener that works on Saturdays and he receives R200.00 per Saturday.

The total annual earnings would be R41,600.00 and, by applying the rate of R1.04 per R100.00, the assessment would be R432.64. However, this is below the minimum assessment amount, meaning, the Commissioner would issue the minimum assessment. The minimum annual assessment was R1,296.00 for the year ended February 2020.

Your Options

Option A - Attending to Obligations Personally

The Department of Labor's website do provide guidelines on the different procedures to effect the required forms should you prefer this option.

Option B - Outsourcing to CIRC

CIRC will:

  1. Register you as an employer with the Fund,
  2. Submit the initial Return of Earnings after Registration,
  3. Obtain your Letter of Good Standing (LOGS) after the assessment is paid.
  4. Attend to the registration and administration of the first claim that your employees may incur.

Should the Online-Registration platform be operational, our fee to attend to the above would be R690.00.

If you are an employee of an existing Client, please mention this fact to us, as we provide this service to our current Clients at a further discounted rate.

Give us a call, send us an email, or complete the form below if you prefer this option.

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