
COIDA Compensation Registration

Register Your Business For Workmen's Compensation - It's the right thing to do!


That is our business and we do just that!

Tap or Call 012 346 8100


Why Register, and How Does it Work?

 The COID-Act stipulates that every Employer must Register with the Fund. Should any of Your employees then get injured at work, certain expenditures are covered by the Fund.

The most critical part of the Registration Process is the description of the Nature of Your Business.  This will determine under which category and sub-class Your Business will resort.

Each sub-class has its own risk tariff depending on the Risk associated with the Type of Operation. For example, a mining company will have a higher risk tariff than a bank, because you are more likely to get injured on a mine than in an office.

Another important part of the Registration Process is the Declaration of Earnings. It is important to note, that "Earnings" does not mean remuneration and if you get this wrong, it will result in an incorrect assessment.

After successfully Registering the Business, the Fund would issue a Notice of Assessment. Normally the Assessment would need to be settled within thirty days to avoid penalties, but subject to certain criteria, payment by installments can also be arranged. As soon as the payment reflects on their System, we can apply for Your Letter of Good Standing.
Here's What Matters...
All Employers have to Register with the Fund, and extreme care should be taken in completing the relevant forms. 

And Now For Some Really Good News!

We have been assisting Employers with Registrations for many years and can guide and provide advice with the process.

And We do This Confidently!

So, Get Peace of Mind Right Now - It's that Simple!

Tap or Call 012 346 8100


Monday to Friday: 07:30 to 16:00

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